As a pup he would run across fields of small cactus as Jesus walked across water.  He had no fear.  He would descend the deepest canyon and follow for miles our horses across the desert. 


He would ascend a rough mountain, cautiously choosing his path, to gaze upon a majestic horizon, contemplating, sensing his origins from the past; for his origins flowed from the beginning of time-a desert dog, dreamtime, walkabout, a song line.


His eyes were intense as burning coal as he looked into your soul.


He was the color of apricots, blending with white earthen sand.


He loved the water, chasing lapping waves against a rocky shore.  He rejoiced to the voice of the raven, the sound of the wind, the presence of nature, which were all part of his being.


He was a buddy, a loving friend.  When times were hard, he was always there, always giving from within his gentle love.  With an affectionate nudge or lick he would share his simple wisdom that all would be well, that life and joy would prevail over loneliness and fear.


I am saddened his life came to an end, but the memories of out fourteen years together will always dance in my mind like magical fireflies in late evening’s golden light.


His spirit will always be there, on the paths we walked together, in the rocks, the canyons, the trees, drifting in the desert winds and wandering the distant blue mountains.  He is free as the wind now, he has become part of the earth and sky, and he roams the majestic beauty of the great unknown, that mysterious place where we will all be someday.  Our lives will intertwine again in that unknown future, my spirit entering his world, as he once entered mine.

I love you – my heart says so.

July 1st, 1999 – 5:15AM